Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fun week of ups and downs

There's nothing like selling to inspire me to sew! Partly I want to replace what was sold but I also learn more about what people want so get motivated to improve on things and pump out more.

I sold this dress on the left, and since the buyer wanted a hat to go with it, I made 2. One for her and one for me. I also replaced the dress, of course (on the right). But see how the hat is sort of squared off at the corners? It cute, for sure, but I decided to alter the pattern to smooth off those corners. I also put the bow on the left side but I'm not sure I like it there. What do you thing?

The same customer also bought this dress and hat set. The hat was a little snug and since I had perfected this hat pattern now, I made her another one that fits better and has the "new" look with a rounder brim. Then she decided she wanted 2 pair of white tights so I sold her the 2 I had and now have to remake those and have some improvements I may do.

So the story is that I learned how to improve the hat, maybe the dress and probably the tights. Guess I'll make a few more sundresses too.

This week I'm working on ballet costumes. Stay tuned....

Love to hear from you... What projects are you working on? Share your ups and downs.
